Sustainability Policy

Sustainability Policy

The entire business has been established and developed from a sustainability perspective.

Already, as a part of the Västerbotten Experience project, we follow a strict sustainability policy that benefits the environment, climate and the culture.

We will preserve and use culture and nature in a long-term sustainable way.

Our company wants to contribute to economic development so that the local culture and local society survives and thrives.

We want to encourage our students and guests to use/buy quality products from local entrepreneurs. Products that authentically reflect our lifestyle and culture. We are knowledge brokers with local roots in the area.

Environmental Policy

We are a company that works for a better environment by constantly evaluating what we do based on its environmental impact.

A clear goal for the company is to be environmentally friendly and climate smart.

We maintain and use nature sustainably in the long term.

We will therefore increase our knowledge and raise awareness of environmental issues within the company and have requirements in collaboration with other companies, suppliers and organizations.

We see environmental measures as investments.

We will prevent pollution in air, soil and water on the environmental impact of what we do.

We will constantly strive to improve the utilization of our resources within the company.

Action plan

We have drawn up an action plan based on our goals.

The action plan contains the following:

– By buying raw materials ourselves or as locally as possible, we want to contribute to reducing climate change and in addition to promoting biodiversity.

-By understanding and respecting indigenous and local cultures, we want to contribute to preserving biological diversity, cultural awareness, respect and the sanctity of ‘locations of significance’ for the long term future

– We carefully sort our waste, active recycling/upcycle and repurposing. We actively clean and collect rubbish from areas that we have access to in nature and have a clear and managed ‘leave the area better than we found it’ protocol.

– We actively gather and correctly dispose of any human waste generated from our various training areas, utilizing approved municipality infrastructure.

– We want to reduce food waste by having clear communication and buying correct amounts for activities.

If, for some reason, food waste is generated, it is composted.

Energy-saving measures

-We cook on open fires, the fuel comes from gathering in the forest.

-We use natural light or sustainable energy methods (for example solar panels)

-When utilising camp stoves we prioritise sourcing and use of biofuels

-Our headquarters building uses 100% renewable energy.

Environmentally friendly purchases

An established goal is to always consider environmental aspects when buying products that are used in the business, everything from raw materials, sales products, vehicles and fuels to copying paper and pens.

We do not intend to use disposable or ‘one time’ products, but if it is impossible to avoid environmentally friendly alternatives will be used.

All persons participating in courses will receive information about sustainable practices and respect for themselves, others and the natural environment.

Courses that require special equipment either have equipment included in the course costs or rental options available, to remove the need to purchase items that will otherwise get small amounts of use.